Dual Nationality Certificate
Instruction and Requirements for Dual Nationality Application
Please duly fill-in the prescribed application form (three sets including three sets of attachments) and fulfill all requirements, who is seeking Dual Nationality Certificate. The following may be noted before submission of the Fillable Application Form (pdf format) for Duala Nationality Certificate:
A) If the applicant is person temporarily residing in Bangladesh, the application shall be submitted directly to the Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of Bangladesh;
B) If the applicant lives in a foreign country, the application should be sent through the Bangladesh Diplomatic Mission / Consulate to that country; and
C) Where there is no Bangladesh Mission or Consulate in a country of applicant’s residence, the application may be sent through Bangladesh Mission or Consulate in the country nearest to that country.
Each application set shall be accompanied by:
1. Applicants must provide their email address on the application form to get updates of the applications;
2. Affidavit affirming the truth of the statement made in the application and signed before the Notary Public/Counselor / First Secretary or persons of equivalent status of the Consulate General of Bangladesh in Los Angeles (please see page 5);
3. Signatures on all 4-pages (2, 3, 4 & 5) are required as handwritten and genuine. No photocopies of signatures are allowed.
4. Documentary evidence regarding remittances to Bangladesh for last 3-years, if any;
5. Copy of foreign Passport and Citizenship Certificate or Naturalization Certificate;
6. Copy of existing/expired Bangladesh Passport (page 1-7, if passport is handwritten old one).
7. Declaration of Assets (Movable / Immovable) in Bangladesh, if any (please see page 3). Please use a separate sheet if required. Statement of Parent's assets should be given if the applicant does not have any asset in his /her name;
8. Statement of activities for past 5-years (service, education, business etc.) since first departure from Bangladesh (Pleaseseepage4). Please use separate sheet if required;
9. Please attach 4-copies of passport size color photographs taken within the last 6 (six) months with white background. Staple two copies with the first set and one copy each with the second and third set. Print applicant’s name on the back of photos. Please vertically staple photo right side box of the form as shown on the first page. Do not use glue;
10. Copy of Birth Certificate of children born in the USA (if s/he is the applicant). Copy of Parent's Bangladesh Passport (page1-7, if passport is handwritten old one) or Dual Citizenship Certificate in the case of child applicant born in the USA.
1. Please put dates in your application in Bangladesh format dd/mm/yyyy. Many applicants are putting dates in American format (mm/dd/yyyy), which is not acceptable.
FEE: Please tender the US $77 (Seventy-Seven US Dollars) payable to the 'Consulate General of Bangladesh in Los Angeles'.
Method of payment: Money Order/Cashier Check/Official Check only. Cash or Personal check or Credit card not to be accepted.
NO REFUNDS: Fees once received, cannot be refunded, even if the application is withdrawn or service cannot be rendered.
All applications for Dual Nationality Certificate being mailed to the Consulate should be sent and addressed to:
Consulate General of Bangladesh
501 S Fairfax Ave
Los Angeles, CA90036
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 09:00 AM to 5:00 PM (except holidays)
Receiving Time: Applications for services (Like issue of new/duplicate passports, renewals and miscellaneous services on Passports, VISA, NVR, Dual Nationality Certificate, Travel Permit/Document etc) are accepted between 09:30 AM to 1:00 PM.
Delivery time is between 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM. No application is received after 1:00 PM except in the cases of emergencies, such as death or illness in the family.
For further enquiry:
Tel: 323-932-0100 Ext-206
Email: mission.losangeles@mofa.gov.bd